Paul Allen Computing Challenge - SQLite Starter
SQLite is standalone database software that can run SQL queries on database files without all of the hassle of setting up things like MySQL servers or dealing with configuration or authentication. All you have to do is download a pre-compiled binary for your system and you are ready to do some data analysis!
Installation is easy because the program is a small, stand-alone binary. Each student can just download a copy locally and keep it wherever they keep their data, no system-wide installation required!
Get The Data
You do also need some data to work on, here are the SQLite database files for the PACC challenge:
- pacc.db contains the full dataset
- pacc_geo.db contains only the geolocated tweets.
Start SQLite
Now lets do some queries on the data! First, move the executable (sqlite
on Linux/Mac, sqlite.exe
on Windows) and the database file to the same folder. Then, from a terminal, start sqlite. On Windows this will look like:
C:\Users\pjreddie>sqlite3.exe pacc.db
SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-07-17 17:46:21
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
On Windows you can also double-click the sqlite.exe
file, you'll just have to load the database once the shell starts:
SQLite version 2014-04-03 16:53:12
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> .open pacc.db
On Linux/Mac, you start the binary and pass in the database file name as a command line argument, just like on windows.
[~/data] ls
pacc.db sqlite3
[~/data] ./sqlite3 pacc.db
SQLite version 2014-04-03 16:53:12
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
If SQLite is installed systemwide, you should leave off the ./
specifier when starting the program.
Analyze Some Data
Once the SQLite command line interface (CLI) is running, we can start submitting SQL queries on our data. Here are some examples to get you started.
First, lets see what the database looks like:
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> pragma table_info(tweet);
It looks like all of the tweet information is in a single table called tweet. We can view the columns of this table using the pragma table_info
Read Some Tweets
To read the first 5 tweets we can execute a command like:
sqlite> select text from tweet limit 5;
RT @bia_WHITness: snow day?? ..more like eat everything insight day
I just want to go sledding. Why does it have to be so damn cold out? ❄️❄️
@Philippahanna Get Well Soon. Small dogs are the hot water bottles that never go cold :-)
Bummed about the snow and cold weather?... KERBOOMKAFY your winter wardrobe with a KerBoomKa hat! While supplies...
Im at Ice Lounge
To see who sent those tweets, we can do:
sqlite> select fromUser from tweet limit 5;
Aggregate Statistics!
While individual tweets can be interesting, we really want to look for trends in our data. For that we can use commands that aggregate data in SQL. For example, to count the number of tweets in the dataset:
sqlite> select count(*) from tweet;
We can also check how many of these tweets are just re-tweets from other people:
sqlite> select count(*) from tweet where retweeted_id != 0;
Now for something a bit more complicated, lets see how tweets contain the phrase #selfie
sqlite> select count(*) from tweet where text like '%#selfie %';
We can also read some of the tweets:
sqlite> select text from tweet where text like '%#selfie %' limit 5;
ice in my veins. #selfie #belowzero #winter ❄
Its too cold outside for angels to fly #selfie
Its cold so I wore my leather jacket and combat boots. #ootd #edgy #nofilter #selfie #becauseican
#balling #cold #selfie
A cold #Selfie for #SelfieMonday because #SelfieSunday is too #Mainstream for this #Hipster. #Hat…
That's So #Ratchet!